Being well rounded in business and personal presentation means having a good handle on marketing, advertising, and design. You might want to promote your business, someone else’s or want to sharpen your skills. Whichever of those best fits you, read on in this blog to get some tips on how to improve your advertising chops.
Back to menuTesting your ads is a great idea. Especially if your target audience doesn’t look or act a lot like you, you could unknowingly come off as wholly unrelatable (or worse – offensive). Testing your ads in small groups with the target audience will ensure that you’re delivering a message that your target will be receptive to.
While you should be consistent, only post content that you are proud of. Don’t post to post. No one wants to see something that should be just a rough draft. Posting unfinished or unprofessional work will devalue your brand.
You’ve got a beautiful ad that stands out. But what good is it if there’s no follow up from the customer? Including a call to action will engage your customers to get involved with your brand or business. A call to action can look like inviting them to an event, to visit your website, to buy your product before the end of a sale, or to follow you on social media. Use language that is exciting and relatable to your audience to encourage them to act.
You might spend big bucks on a cable TV spot for Generation Z, only to realize you’re not getting any new customers. People see your ad; it’s just not the people in your target market. Research your audience and see what types of media they pay attention to and visit. Whether that be television, radio, or digital, be sure to diversify your ad placements to reach your target audience most effectively.
Sometimes advertising can be a little bit pricey. Please take a second to step back and think about it before you get sticker-shocked. How are you going to make money from customers if customers don’t even know about you? Using high-quality professionals and appropriate ad placements will help to bring in new (and maybe even lifelong) customers.
This information is provided by Grova Creative, located in Tallahassee, Florida. A creative agency that focuses on advertising, graphic design, digital design, and messaging.