Digital vs. Print Advertising

To help you decide which outlet to use in your advertising efforts, we outlined the pros and cons of digital vs. print advertising.

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In today’s digital world driven by social media and the internet, it’s hard for some people to believe in the usefulness of print advertising. Print, however, can add a unique personal touch and build trust within your consumers. In contrast, digital advertising is pretty over-flooded. Therefore, using it means you’re less likely to stand out amongst competitors. Nonetheless, digital does have its pros. With more opportunities for consumer engagement, measurable results, and effortless accessibility, digital offers a plethora of  benefits that appeal to advertisers. In the end, both digital and print have their strengths and weaknesses. If you’re wondering which avenue will reach your marketing goals, we outlined the pros and cons of digital vs. print advertising below:

Print advertising is tangible:

The tangible experience of print media evokes the audience’s haptic memory. Haptic memory is a form of sensory memory specific to touch. Studies have shown that haptic memory is more likely to trigger an emotional response, thus being more memorable to the consumer. Additionally, print gives advertisers a unique opportunity to build trust by creating a quality medium using quality materials. According to marketingsherpa, 82% of consumers trust newspaper and magazine ads, the highest over any other medium. This is because consumers are more likely to associate professionalism with a brand that uses quality print materials in its advertisements. 

Print is costly:

Unfortunately, because print requires tangible materials, it’s usually more costly than digital. Paper and ink add up. A single print ad in a local newspaper and or magazine can cost more than $100. 

Digital advertising is measurable:

Unlike print, digital is very measurable. Thanks to social media, advertisers can see the reach, impressions, and engagements garnered through analytics. This information is invaluable because it allows advertisers to understand which types of content perform well within each marketing category. Consequently, analytics inspire an advertiser’s future content creation efforts.

Digital is instant:

Unlike print, which requires a lot of logistics, digital content is instant and simple to use. Content can be created and posted on the same day. Print usually takes days upon weeks to be put into circulation. Therefore, if you’re looking for a way to advertise quickly and efficiently, digital is your best option.  

Digital is cost-effective:

A social media post costs as little as $0.00. The price tag will not get much better than that. Although digital offers pay-per-click ads to push your content further, it’s generally much cheaper than print. Therefore, if your budget is limited, digital may be the way to go.

Final thoughts about digital vs. print advertising:

As stated above, digital and print have their pros and cons. It all comes down to what works the best for your budget, resources, and marketing goals. We understand that figuring out which marketing avenue is right for you can be challenging. After all, both digital and print offer such distinct opportunities that you may find yourself wanting to use both. If you need help with media buying and/or content creation, our team at Grova Creative specializes in all things digital and print. Call us today to take us on as a creative partner or to ask questions about our services.

Grova Creative is a woman, minority, and veteran-owned agency headquartered in Tallahassee, Florida, and works with clients all across the United States. If you are a business or organization seeking help with advertising, marketing, branding, messaging, marketing, strategy, website development, or other creative assets, visit

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