Whether you’re seeking to start a business or re-brand an already existing company, colors are crucial to adding personality and tone to your brand. Research reveals that around 85% of customers believe that color is the most compelling factor when choosing a particular product. A whopping 92% believe that visual appearance is the most influential marketing factor. It’s no wonder brand colors are so well thought out and researched. That is why we’re here to explain color theory so you can choose the right color palette for your brand!
It’s not rocket science as to why the color green is associated with nature and blue is associated with water. However, colors have a more substantial impact than what you may expect. Colors affect the perceptions and behaviors of consumers. McDonald’s, for example, didn’t just choose the bright red and yellow color combination on accident. Bright red has shown to speed up the heart rate, affecting your appetite. Yellow is a color associated with happiness that can be spotted from far distances. It’s no wonder we can recognize that McDonald’s sign from 10 miles away! Therefore, keeping the psychological factors behind each color in your palette in mind will determine what the first impression of a potential new consumer will be. Take a look at the list we created below to help you determine where your brand falls in terms of color:
Red: A color known for its bold energy is associated with passion, love, excitement, and danger.
Pink: In a multitude of shades can hold different meanings. A lighter pink is more feminine, delicate, and soft, whereas a hot pink is fun, eccentric, and youthful.
White: Known as Apple’s most loved color, white symbolizes purity and simplicity.
Blue: Commonly associated with serenity and calmness.
Orange: Commonly used by cost-effective brands, orange is also known to evoke creativity and impulsiveness.
Yellow: More than just happy, yellow is playful and prominent.
Green: Used by brands that pride themselves on being natural and sustainable, green is also used to evoke wealth.
Purple: Representing creativity, luxury, and ambition.
Rainbow/Multicolor: Multi-color means that your brand is open to various people, ideas, and diversity.
What brand do you think of when I say the color red? I bet it’s Coca-Cola. Coca-Cola began to use their signature red color during the mid-’90s when they used red barrels to transport their products to distinguish themselves from other drinks. It looks like they haven’t gone back since! Brands that use colors to communicate their core values and consistently use them in their branding materials are more likely to be remembered by consumers. Keeping your brand values and your brand purpose at the forefront of every design decision will help consumers see your brand clearly and purposefully.
The answer is simple, everywhere! Branding is a tool that shouldn’t be used lightly. Anywhere you place your brand colors, typography, and signature design is an opportunity to build brand awareness. Whether it’s collateral, products, packaging, or souvenirs, everything you create should scream your brand values.
We hope this helped you in the process of creating your branding! Colors are more important than you may have thought, so be sure to spend a reasonable amount of time thinking and researching which colors best suit you and your brand.
Grova Creative is a woman, minority, and veteran-owned agency headquartered in Tallahassee, Florida, and works with clients all across the United States. If you are a business or organization seeking help with advertising, marketing, branding, messaging, marketing, strategy, website development, or other creative assets, visit grova.com.