New Name, Same Logo!

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I started GiavonaDesign, LLC in 2009, as a freelancer, but in 2016, I realized that GiavonaDesign wasn’t representative of the work we were doing anymore. We had grown beyond typical freelance jobs, and needed a name that had room for growth and better represented our business goals and mission. So, Grova Creative we became!

Grova in Latin means “the grove,” and the name could not be more fitting to our creative philosophy. Our logo has three tiers: a gear, a flower, and the sun overarching the letter “G.” The gear represents our love for collaboration, and our belief that working together with our clients creates even more success. Gears need to constantly mesh to fulfill their function, and we want to “mesh!”

We all know that each flower is unique, and has it’s own way of growing and casting it’s own personality. We approach brands in this same way and strive to find unique and exciting ways to strategically bring our clients’ projects to life.

Finally, the sun (my favorite element). It lies at the heart of the solar system, and holds 99.8 percent of the solar system’s mass and is roughly 109 times the diameter of the Earth. It’s safe to say, the sun works hard. We like to think we work just as hard as the sun, if that’s even possible. Our clients are at the center of our creative universe, and when the sun is shining we can do anything…together!

We hope you love the new name! We look forward to continuing to grow and continuing to serve our clients!

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